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16251 2020年11月12日 | 新闻稿 | 日内瓦 12 November 2020 | News release | Geneva
16252 会员国在周四(11月12日)举行的第七十三届世界卫生大会上建议通过关于脑膜炎控制和癫痫的两个决议。 Member States recommended the adoption of two resolutions on meningitis control and epilepsy at the 73rd World Health Assembly on Thursday (November 12).
16253 重点关注规划和预算事项的甲委员会决定建议通过有史以来第一项关于脑膜炎的决议,该决议批准到2030年战胜脑膜炎全球路线图。 Committee A, which focuses on programme and budget matters, decided to recommend the adoption of the first-ever resolution on meningitis, which would approve a global roadmap to defeat meningitis by 2030 – a disease that kills 250 000 people annually and leaves one in five of those affected with devastating long-term consequences.
16254 委员会还建议通过决议,呼吁加大对癫痫和其他神经系统疾病,如中风、偏头痛和痴呆症的综合行动力度。 The Committee also recommended the adoption of a resolution calling for scaled-up and integrated action on epilepsy and other neurological disorders such as stroke, migraine and dementia.
16255 神经系统疾病是导致残疾的主要原因,也是全世界第二大死亡原因 Neurological disorders are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death worldwide.
16256 甲委员会进一步决定建议通过一项决定,批准新的被忽视的热带病路线图 The Committee further decided to recommend the adoption of a decision endorsing the new roadmap for neglected tropical diseases.
16257 路线图旨在到2030年实现以下目标:将需要治疗被忽视的热带病的人数减少90%,在100个国家消除至少一种被忽视的热带病,消灭两种疾病(麦地那龙线虫病和雅司病),并将与被忽视热带病有关的残疾调整生命年减少75%。 The roadmap aims to achieve these targets by 2030: reduce by 90% the number of people requiring treatment for NTDs, eliminate at least one NTD in 100 countries, eradicate two diseases (dracunculiasis and yaws), and reduce by 75% the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) related to NTDs.
16258 甲委员会注意到与《阿斯塔纳宣言》和WHA72.2号决议(2019年)相一致的《初级卫生保健业务框架》。 Committee A noted the Operational Framework for Primary Health Care, which aligns with the Declaration of Astana and resolution WHA72.2 (2019).
16259 世卫组织已设立了初级卫生保健特别规划,以铺开实施该业务框架,支持会员国建立以人为本、有韧性、可持续、基于初级卫生保健的卫生系统 WHO has established a Special Programme on Primary Health Care to roll out the Operational Framework – supporting Member States to build people-centred, resilient and sustainable primary health care-based health systems.
16260 主要处理行政、财政和法律事项的乙委员会审查了总干事关于“巴勒斯坦被占领土(包括东耶路撒冷)和叙利亚被占戈兰的卫生状况”的报告。 Committee B – which deals predominantly with administrative, financial and legal matters – reviewed the Director-General’s report on “Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan”.