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16241 会从之前在该房间待过的人那里染上病毒吗? Can you get the virus from people who were in the room previous to you?
16242 旅馆和其他住宿设施应有一套程序,在每位客人入住之前进行正确清洁、消毒和通风。 Hotels and other accommodations should have procedures for cleaning, disinfecting and ventilating the room properly between every guest’s stay.
16243 经过这些程序之后,客人可以立即使用住宿设施 These processes allow the accommodations to be used immediately afterward.
16244 如果采用了这些程序,则无需在每批客人之间留空房间 If these procedures are followed, there is no need to leave the room empty between guests.
16245 如果旅行者住宿设施生病该怎么办? What should travellers do if they get sick while at an accommodation facility?
16246 如果客人出现COVID-19症状,例如发烧、干咳或疲倦,他们应通知住宿设施的管理层,并与当地卫生主管部门联系以寻求就医。 If a guest develops symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, dry cough or tiredness, they should notify the facility manager and seek medical advice by contacting local health authorities.
16247 客人应与其他人隔离,包括同行旅客 The guest should isolate from others, including fellow travellers.
16248 如果该客人无法隔离,或者员工需要进入房间,则病人应戴上医用口罩,周围的人也应佩戴口罩。 If the guest cannot be isolated or staff need to enter the room, the ill person should put on a medical mask, and people nearby should also wear a mask.
16249 如果病人无法忍受医用口罩咳嗽或打喷嚏时应用弯曲的肘部或纸巾遮挡口部,随后立即将纸巾丢弃在密闭垃圾袋里。 If the medical mask cannot be tolerated by the ill person, then he or she should cough or sneeze into a bent elbow or use tissues to cover the mouth, and discard the tissue immediately into a closed waste bag.
16250 第七十三届世界卫生大会批准有关脑膜炎控制、癫痫及被忽视的热带病路线图的决议 乙委员会建议通过关于“巴勒斯坦被占领土(包括东耶路撒冷)和叙利亚被占戈兰的卫生状况”的决定 WHA73 endorses resolutions on meningitis control and epilepsy, roadmap on neglected tropical diseases Committee B recommends the adoption of a decision on “Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan”