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句对齐列表 共 16269 个结果  
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221 去年,迅速发现并遏制了麻疹甲型肝炎和伤寒疫情。 Last year, outbreaks of measles, hepatitis A and typhoid fever were rapidly detected and curtailed.
222 2017年,在代尔祖尔省发现了一例循环疫苗衍生2型脊灰病毒病例。 In 2017, a case of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 was identified in Deir-ez-Zor governorate.
223 作为应对,世界卫生组织和合作伙伴一丝不苟地追踪疫情,调动受影响地区的所有各方,并组织了大规模的疫苗接种活动,惠及260万名儿童,即使是在冲突频仍地区。 In response, WHO and partners meticulously tracked the outbreak, engaged all parties in affected areas and organized mass polio vaccination campaigns that reached 2.6 million children - even in areas of active conflict.
224 到2018年末,宣布疫情结束 In late 2018, the outbreak was declared over.
225 没有成千上万当地卫生工作者的勇敢和奉献精神,就不可能取得这一成就。 This achievement would not have been possible without the bravery and dedication of tens of thousands of local health workers.
226 2. 面对不安全、道路受损、官僚主义障碍和进口限制,继续提供医疗用品 2.
227 世卫组织在叙利亚境内并跨境开展工作,为数百万叙利亚人提供生命援助。 WHO works inside Syria and across its borders to deliver life-saving assistance to millions of Syrians.
228 2014年,联合国安理会授权从伊拉克、约旦和土耳其等邻国向叙利亚运送人道主义援助物资 In 2014, the United Nations Security Council authorized the delivery of humanitarian aid to Syria from neighbouring countries.
229 因此,世界卫生组织能够通过其位于土耳其加济安泰普的中心运作的行动,为饱受冲突蹂躏的西北地区的数百万叙利亚人提供救生援助。 As a result, WHO is able to provide life-saving support in the conflict-torn north-west via operations managed by its hub in Gaziantep, Turkey.
230 2018年,世界卫生组织叙利亚各地运送了1900多吨卫生用品和设备,包括足够用于1000多万次治疗的药品。 In 2018 WHO delivered over 1900 tonnes of health supplies and equipment across Syria.