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句对齐列表 共 16269 个结果  
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251 5. 培训卫生工作者 5.
252 大规模人口流离失所导致叙利亚合格医务人员锐减 Mass population displacements have contributed to a huge reduction of qualified medical personnel in Syria.
253 例如,在以德雷珀和阿勒颇,每万人中卫生保健工作者所占比例仅为可持续发展目标指数的26%。 For example, Idleb and Aleppo have only 26% of the recommended number of health care workers per 10 000 people required to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
254 内科心脏病学慢性病护理等专业服务尤其受到影响。 Specialized services such as internal medicine, cardiology and care for chronic diseases are especially affected.
255 2018年,世卫组织就广泛的科目对30865名人员进行了培训,以帮助弥补这些差距。 In 2018, WHO trained 30 865 people on a wide range of health issues to help address these gaps.
256 6. 更广泛地提供精神健康服务 6.
257 在这场危机之前,精神卫生保健规模有限,并以机构为基础。 WHO estimates that, as a result of prolonged exposure to violence, one in 30 people in Syria is suffering from a severe mental health condition and at least one in 5 is suffering from a mild to moderate mental health condition.
258 叙利亚西北部,只有三名训练有素的精神科医生在该地区工作,两家设施为急性和严重的精神病患者提供住院服务 In north-west Syria there are only 3 trained psychiatrists and only 2 facilities providing inpatient services for acute and severe cases of mental illness.
259 世卫组织正在培训卫生保健提供者,提供精神药物,为两名精神科医生支付工资,并负担四个流动医疗队和一个专科医院的运营费用。 WHO is training health care providers, delivering psychotropic medicines, providing salaries and running costs for mobile teams and one specialized hospital.
260 在全国范围内,世卫组织正在支持将精神健康服务纳入初级卫生保健中心社区中心 Across the country WHO is supporting the integration of mental health services into primary health care and community centres.