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231 今年,世界卫生组织向该国一些最脆弱的人口提供了物资,包括东南部的Rukban定居点,东北部的Al-Hol难民营和西北部的Menbij。 The medicines included in these deliveries were enough for more than 10 million treatments, including 4.2 million shipped cross-border.
232 这些物资改变生活 These supplies change lives.
233 霍姆斯北部,六个月大的沙姆斯治愈了营养不良 In northern Homs, six-month-old Shams recovered from malnutrition.
234 在阿勒颇,萨尔玛在产下头胎后接受了药物治疗,帮助她保持健康。 In Aleppo, Salma received medication to stay healthy after giving birth to her first child.
235 11岁的Nour,流浪到大马士革,现在可以获得癫痫药物 Nour, aged 11, displaced to Damascus, now has access to epilepsy medication.
236 来自Raqqa的两岁的艾哈迈德正在接受拯救生命的癌症治疗 Two-year-old Ahmad from Raqqa is receiving life-saving cancer treatment.
237 3. 利用流动医疗队接触弱势群体 3.
238 叙利亚境内有620多万名儿童、妇女和男子流离失所 One way that WHO reaches vulnerable populations is by bringing health care to them via mobile clinics.
239 这包括近90万人生活在一些“万般无奈”的去处,如难民营收容中心 These specially modified trucks are equipped with separate rooms for examinations and medical procedures and are usually staffed by doctor, nurses, and pharmacy assistants.
240 世卫组织接触这些弱势群体的一种方法是通过流动诊所为他们提供基本的卫生保健服务。 They are a lifeline in areas that are remote or where public health facilities have been destroyed.