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15661 青少年形成一个独特的群体,他们身心迅速发展,但通常依赖于他们的父母或监护人。 Adolescents form a unique group, rapidly developing both physically and emotionally but are often dependent on their parents or guardians.
15662 世卫组织和艾滋病署的《全球青少年优质卫生保健服务标准》建议使服务更加“有益于青少年”,为他们提供免费或低收费咨询以及医学上准确并与其年龄相称的健康信息 WHO and UNAIDS Global standards for quality health-care services for adolescents recommend making services more “adolescent friendly”, providing free or low-cost consultations, and making medically accurate age-appropriate health information available.
15663 这些标准还强调要使青少年能够在无需预约或父母同意的情况下获得服务,而且要让他们相信任何咨询都是保密的并要保证他们不会受到歧视。 They also highlight the need for adolescents to be able to access services without necessarily having to make an appointment or requiring parental consent, safe in the knowledge that any consultation remains confidential, and certain that they will not experience discrimination.
15664 “如果我们想保持青少年健康,就必须尊重他们” Costello 博士说。 “If we want to keep adolescents healthy, we have to treat them with respect,” says Dr Costello.
15665 青少年特别容易受到某些健康问题影响 Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to certain health issues.
15666 青少年三大死亡原因是道路交通伤害、艾滋病相关疾病和自杀。” The top three causes of death among adolescents are road traffic injuries, AIDS-related illnesses and suicide.
15667 艾滋病是非洲青少年的首要死亡原因,并且是全球青少年的第二大死亡原因,”艾滋病署权利、性别、预防和社区动员部负责人Mariângela Simão 博士说。 AIDS is the leading cause of death among adolescents in Africa and the second primary cause of death among adolescents globally,” says Dr Mariângela Simão, Director of Rights, Gender, Prevention and Community Mobilization at UNAIDS.
15668 “所有青少年,包括重点人群,都有权获得信息和服务,使他们能够保护自己,不受艾滋病毒感染。” “All adolescents, including key populations, have a right to the information and services that will empower them to protect themselves from HIV.”
15669 青少年时期不仅是人们一生中特别容易遭受某些健康问题的时期,而且也是一些关键行为的形成时期,这些行为可能影响到未来的健康。 Not only is adolescence a period of life when people are particularly vulnerable to certain health issues, it is also a time when critical behaviours are shaped that will affect health in the future.
15670 “许多影响我们余生的行为,无论健康与否,都始于青少年时期,”Costello 补充说。 “So many behaviourshealthy or unhealthy – that impact the rest of our lives begin in adolescence,” adds Dr Costello.