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15631 应对气候变化的卫生工作是在COVID-19大流行持续存在、环境持续退化生物多样性丧失、社会经济不平等以及卫生系统长期投资不足的背景下展开的。 The health response to climate change is taking place within the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, continued environmental degradation and biodiversity loss, socio-economic inequities, and a chronic under-investment in health systems.
15632 本报告的目的是在有数据的情况下,针对这些相互关联的挑战,提供相关调查结果 Where data is available, the report aims to provide findings on these inter-related challenges.
15633 主要调查结果 Main Findings
15634 约三分之二(67%)的受调查国家已进行气候变化卫生脆弱性适应情况评估 ,或目前正在进行此项评估。 Approximately two-thirds (67%) of surveyed countries have conducted a climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessment or are currently undertaking one.
15635 评估结果将为卫生政策规划提供信息,但对人力和财政资源分配的影响仍较为有限。 Assessment findings are informing health policies and programmes but continue to have a limited influence on the allocation of human and financial resources.
15636 超过四分之三(77%)的受调查国家已制定或目前正在制定 国家卫生气候变化计划 或战略。 Over three-quarters (77%) of surveyed countries have developed or are currently developing national health and climate change plans or strategies.
15637 然而,由于资金不足人力资源限制以及研究、证据、技术和工具有限,实施工作受到了阻碍。 However, implementation is impeded by insufficient financing, human resource constraints, and limited research, evidence, technologies and tools.
15638 约半数受调查国家(52%)报告说, COVID-19 大流行 对它们保护健康免受气候变化影响的工作产生了重大影响,因为它分流卫生人员和资源,并减缓了保护措施的实施进度。 About half of surveyed countries (52%) report the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on their work to protect health from climate change, diverting health personnel and resources and slowing the implementation of protective measures.
15639 只有三分之一(33%)的国家答复已借此机会将气候变化和卫生因素纳入其 COVID-19 恢复 计划。 Just one-third (33%) of country respondents have taken the opportunity to include climate change and health considerations in their plans for recovery from COVID-19 .
15640 卫生气候变化相关政策和规划开展 跨部门合作 的工作取得了一定进展。 There is progress in developing intersectoral collaboration on policies and programmes related to health and climate change.