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15641 这些合作中,大多数(在各国报告的机制中,占比超过75%)都包含了致力于处理健康问题的环境决定因素(如安全供水、环境卫生和个人卫生服务、清洁空气和气象服务)的利益攸关方或部门代表。 Most of these collaborations (>75% of country reported mechanisms) include representation from stakeholders or sectors addressing the environmental determinants of health such as safe water, sanitation and hygiene services (WASH), clean air and meteorological services.
15642 关注健康问题的结构和社会决定因素(如教育、城市规划、住房、能源和交通系统)的 利益攸关方 或部门 代表 则不太常见(在各国报告的机制中占40-50%)。 Representation of stakeholders or sectors focused on the structural and social determinants of health, such as education, urban planning, housing, energy and transportation systems is less common (40-50% of country reported mechanisms).
15643 有不足40%的国家将天气和气候信息纳入其气候敏感疾病卫生监测系统 Less than 40% of countries include weather and climate information in their health surveillance systems for climate-sensitive diseases.
15644 大多数情况下,各国都针对媒介传播疾病、水源性疾病、空气传播疾病或呼吸道疾病,建立了气候信息卫生监测系统 Most commonly countries have climate-informed health surveillance systems for vector-borne, waterborne, airborne or respiratory diseases.
15645 只有三分之一的受调查国家有气候信息卫生预警系统,以应对与热有关的疾病(33%)或极端天气事件造成的伤害和死亡(30%),不过,有确凿证据表明,世界各地的这些风险正在不断增加。 Only one-third of surveyed countries have climate-informed health early warning systems for heat-related illness (33%) or injury and mortality from extreme weather events (30%) despite strong evidence that these risks are increasing around the world.
15646 卫生人力 越来越了解气候变化与卫生之间的联系并接受了更多相关培训(42%的国家开展了某种程度的培训),但仍需做出进一步努力,以确保能力建设涵盖一整套相关技能,并已被例行纳入卫生人力发展工作。 The health workforce is increasingly informed and trained on the connection between climate change and health (some level of training conducted in 42% of countries), but further efforts are needed to ensure capacity building covers a comprehensive set of relevant skills and is routinely integrated into health workforce development.
15647 越来越多的国家(27%)对其 医疗卫生机构气候适应能力 进行了评估。 A growing number of countries (27%) have conducted assessments of the climate resilience of their health care facilities .
15648 目前,只有一小部分(28%)低收入和中低收入国家的卫生部正在接收 国际资金 ,以支持气候变化和卫生工作。 Only a small proportion of ministries of health in low-and-lower-middle-income countries (LLMICs) (28%) are currently receiving international funds to support climate change and health work.
15649 需大幅增加获得国际资金包括多边气候基金的机会,以达到保护健康免受气候变化影响所需的水平。 Access to international funds, including multilateral climate funds, needs to be substantially scaled up to reach the levels required to protect health from climate change.
15650 各国大幅增加了 其 国家自主贡献中的卫生因素 。 Countries have significantly increased health considerations in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).