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15721 2022年6月22日 – 23日 22 – 23 June 2022
15722 低收入国家仍迫切需要加快接种COVID-19疫苗。 There remains an urgent need to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine uptake in low-income countries.
15723 仅有50个国家实现了世卫组织确定的70% COVID-19疫苗接种率目标,其中大多数是高收入国家 Only 50 countries have met the WHO target of 70% vaccination coverage for COVID-19, the majority of which are high income countries.
15724 与此同时,低收入国家人口疫苗接种率仅略高于10%。 Low-income countries have meanwhile only vaccinated slightly over 10% of their populations.
15725 要加速接种COVID-19疫苗,同时继续促进常规免疫接种和初级卫生保健,需要继续发挥政治领导作用,并根据需求优先实施风险沟通和社区参与(RCCE)措施。 Accelerating COVID-19 vaccine uptake while continuing to promote routine immunization and primary health care necessitates continued political leadership and the prioritized implementation of demand-related and Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) interventions.
15726 这项在线活动将召集政策制定者、需求促进者、负责风险沟通和社区参与工作者、研究人员和利益攸关方探讨行之有效的政策、疫苗需求以及风险沟通和社区参与措施。 This virtual event will convene policymakers, demand promotion and RCCE practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders to highlight examples of proven policy, vaccine demand, and RCCE interventions.
15727 该项在线活动将持续两天美国东部时间6月22日上午7点至11点,美国东部时间6月23日上午7点至10点)。 The event will be spread over two days, 7am-11am EDT on June 22 and 7am-10am EDT on June 23.
15728 请在此之前与我们一道于6月17日以法语( 注册 )和英语( 注册 )参加日内瓦学习基金会和“宣讲疫苗”(Teach to Reach)项目联合主持的发布会 Please join us as well for a pre-launch event with Teach to Reach, in partnership with the Geneva Learning Foundation, on June 17 in French (register) and English (register).
15729 由多位部长以及全球机构和区域机构负责人组成的一个高级别小组将开启此次活动,以推动全球承诺进一步提高对疫苗的信心并促进需求。 A high-level opening panel featuring Ministers and Heads of global and regional Agencies will kick-off the event, building on current global commitments to increase vaccine confidence and demand.
15730 随后将举行四场技术会议重点讨论 This will be followed by four technical sessions focused on: