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15741 2015年5月7日,巴西证实其境内暴发的上千起奇怪的伴有皮疹的轻度病例系由寨卡病毒引起,向世界发出警报,西半球首次出现寨卡疫情 The world was alerted to the first appearance of Zika in the Western Hemisphere on 7 May 2015, when Brazil confirmed that a mysterious outbreak of thousands of cases of mild disease with rash was caused by the Zika virus.
15742 一种具有流行潜力传染病在世界的某个新地区出现总会引起关切。 The appearance of an infectious disease with epidemic potential in a new part of the world is always cause for concern.
15743 人群缺乏免疫力使该病毒得以迅速传播并采取可能意想不到的行为方式。 The absence of population immunity gives the virus license to spread rapidly and behave in possibly unexpected ways.
15744 五月发布通告时,该疾病看似轻微,并不令人担心,也没有报告住院或死亡病例。 At the time of the May announcement, the disease looked reassuringly mild, with no hospitalizations or deaths reported.
15745 但以往的经验告诉我们,对于新出现的病毒要预见到更多的情况,不能只限于最初的观察。 Past experience has taught us to expect more from emerging viruses than what is initially observed.
15746 果然,7月时巴西报告吉兰―巴雷综合征病例出现增加,之后于10月底又向世卫组织报告新生儿中小头症病例异常增多。 This came from Brazil in July with a reported increase in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, followed by an unusual increase in microcephaly among newborns, reported to WHO in late October.
15747 蚊子叮咬严重胎儿畸形之间可能有关联的推断令公众担忧同时使科学界感到惊讶。 The possibility that a mosquito bite could be linked to severe fetal malformations alarmed the public and astonished scientists.
15748 吉兰―巴雷综合征以及其它中枢神经系统严重疾患之间的关联,使危险人群的范围远远超出了育龄妇女。 The association with Guillain-Barré syndrome and other severe disorders of the central nervous system has expanded the risk group well beyond women of child-bearing age.
15749 我们现在知道病毒会发生性传播 We now know that sexual transmission of the virus occurs.
15750 在不到一年时间里,寨卡的地位已由一种轻微的罕见病症变为具有严重公共卫生影响的疾病。 In less than a year, the status of Zika has changed from a mild medical curiosity to a disease with severe public health implications.