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15751 知识基础正在极其迅速地扩大。 The knowledge base is building very rapidly.
15752 我要感谢各国及其科研人员,为帮助世卫组织建设证据基础作出了辛苦的努力。 I want to thank all countries and their scientists who have worked so hard in helping WHO build up the evidence base.
15753 我们了解得越多情况看起来越糟。 The more we know the worse things look.
15754 一种模式呈现出来:在最初发现病毒传播后大约三周内,吉兰―巴雷综合征病例出现异常增加。 A pattern has emerged in which initial detection of virus circulation is followed, within about three weeks, by an unusual increase in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome.
15755 稍后,当受感染孕妇妊娠期满时发现了小头症和其它胎儿畸形问题。 Detection of microcephaly and other fetal malformations comes later, as pregnancies of infected women come to term.
15756 在当前疫情中,巴西巴拿马报告了小头症病例。 In the current outbreak, Brazil and Panama have reported microcephaly.
15757 哥伦比亚正在对若干小头症病例进行调查,寻找与寨卡的可能关联。 Colombia is investigating several cases of microcephaly for a possible link to Zika.
15758 在其它一些国家和领地,该病毒的传播时间还不够长,还没到妊娠期满时。 In other countries and territories, the virus has not been circulating long enough for pregnancies to come to term.
15759 一个世卫组织小组目前正在佛得角调查该国报告的首起小头症病例 A WHO team is currently in Cabo Verde to investigate the country’s first reported case of microcephaly.
15760 迄今为止,有12个国家和领地报告表示吉兰―巴雷综合征发病率增加或吉兰―巴雷综合征病例中存在实验室确诊寨卡感染 To date, 12 countries and territories have now reported an increased incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome or laboratory confirmation of Zika infection among GBS cases.