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15931 2018年7月18日 | 新闻稿 18 July 2018 | News release
15932 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)、世界动物卫生组织(国际兽医局)和世界卫生组织(世卫组织)今天发布的一份报告显示,各国在解决抗微生物药物耐药性方面已迈出重要步伐,但仍然存在很大差距,且需要紧急行动起来。 Countries are making significant steps in tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR), but serious gaps remain and require urgent action, according to a report released today by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
15933 报告描述了154个国家的情况进展,并揭示了巨大差异 The report charts progress in 154 countries and reveals wide discrepancies.
15934 40多年来,包括许多欧洲国家在内的一些国家一直致力于人类和动物部门的抗微生物药物耐药性政策。 Some, including many European countries, have been working on AMR policies in human and animal sectors for more than 4 decades.
15935 其他部门直到最近才开始行动,遏制这一日益严重的威胁 Others have only recently started to take action to contain this growing threat.
15936 高收入国家在计划制定和实施方面的进展要比低收入国家更大,但所有国家都有进一步改进的余地。 Progress in developing and implementing plans is greater in high-income than low-income countries but all countries have scope for improvement.
15937 没有任何国家报告在所有方面持续存有解决该问题所需要的能力。 No country reports sustained capacity at scale in all areas.
15938 正如在2015年发布的全球行动计划中所提建议,该报告审视抗微生物药物在人类卫生、动物卫生和养殖以及植物和环境方面的监测、教育、监督以及消费和使用监管问题。 The report looks at surveillance, education, monitoring and regulating consumption and use of antimicrobials in human health, animal health and production, as well as plants and the environment – as recommended in the Global Action Plan published in 2015.
15939 好的结果有:105个国家为报告人类卫生方面耐药性感染建立了监测系统 Promising findings include 105 countries with a surveillance system in place for reporting drug-resistant infections in human health and 68 countries with a system for tracking consumption of antimicrobials.
15940 68个国家建立了跟踪抗微生物药物消费情况的系统。 In addition, 123 countries reported that they have policies to regulate the sale of antimicrobials, including the requirement of a prescription for human use – a key measure to tackle overuse and misuse of antimicrobials.