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15901 SARS-CoV-2既往感染的免疫力有效性 Effectiveness of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection
15902 初步证据表明,与其他需要关注的变异株相比,奥密克戎再感染风险可能较高(也就是说曾患COVID-19的人可能较易再度感染奥密克戎),但这方面信息有限。 Preliminary evidence suggests there may be an increased risk of reinfection with Omicron (ie, people who have previously had COVID-19 could become reinfected more easily with Omicron), as compared to other variants of concern, but information is limited.
15903 将在未来数日或数周内提供这方面更多信息。 More information on this will become available in the coming days and weeks.
15904 疫苗的有效性 :世卫组织正与有关技术伙伴合作,了解这一变异株对包括疫苗在内的现有抗疫工具的潜在影响。 Effectiveness of vaccines : WHO is working with technical partners to understand the potential impact of this variant on our existing countermeasures, including vaccines.
15905 疫苗对于减少重症和死亡以及对付目前主要流行的德尔塔变异株仍然至关重要。 Vaccines remain critical to reducing severe disease and death, including against the dominant circulating variant, Delta.
15906 现有疫苗仍然能够有效预防重症和死亡。 Current vaccines remain effective against severe disease and death.
15907 现有试剂的有效性 :对其他变异株的检测显示,广泛使用的核酸检测仍能检出感染,包括检出奥密克戎感染。 Effectiveness of current tests : The widely used PCR tests continue to detect infection, including infection with Omicron, as we have seen with other variants as well.
15908 目前正进行研究,以确定是否会对其他类型检测(例如快速抗原检测)有任何影响。 Studies are ongoing to determine whether there is any impact on other types of tests, including rapid antigen detection tests.
15909 当前治疗的有效性 :皮质类固醇IL6受体阻滞剂仍能有效处理COVID-19重症患者。 Effectiveness of current treatments :   Corticosteroids and IL6 Receptor Blockers will still be effective for managing patients with severe COVID-19.
15910 评估其他治疗方法,查明在奥密克戎变异株中病毒发生变化的情况下,这些治疗方法是否仍然有效。 Other treatments will be assessed to see if they are still as effective given the changes to parts of the virus in the Omicron variant.