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15941 但在这些政策的落实上却千差万别,在街头市场等地方仍然可以获得无监管药品,不存在任何使用方法限制。 But implementation of these policies varies and unregulated medicines are still available in places such as street markets, with no limits on how they are used.
15942 这些药品往往在柜台出售,且不要求出具处方。 Medicines are very often sold over the counter and no prescription is requested.
15943 这将人类动物卫生置于危险境地,可能会加快抗微生物药物耐药性的发展。 This puts human and animal health at risk, potentially contributing to the development of antimicrobial resistance.
15944 该报告重点说明了一些迫切需要增加投资和采取行动的领域,特别是动物和食品部门。 The report highlights areas, particularly in the animal and food sectors, where there is an urgent need for more investment and action.
15945 例如,只有64个国家报告称已遵循粮农组织、国际兽医局和世卫组织的建议,在畜牧养殖领域限制至关重要抗微生物药物在促进生长方面的使用。 For example, only 64 countries report that they follow FAO-OIE-WHO recommendations to limit the use of critically important antimicrobials for growth promotion in animal production.
15946 其中包括39个高收入国家,且大都处在世卫组织欧洲区域 Of these, 39 are high-income countries, with the majority in WHO’s European Region.
15947 相比之下,只有来自世卫组织非洲区域的3个国家和世卫组织美洲区域的7个国家采取了这一旨在减少出现抗微生物药物耐药性的重要步骤。 By contrast, only 3 countries from WHO’s African Region and 7 countries from the WHO Region of the Americas have taken this important step to reduce the emergence of antimicrobial resistance.
15948 共有67个国家报告至少已制定法律,对动物抗微生物药物的生产、许可和分销的各个方面实施控制。 A total of 67 countries report at least having legislation in place to control all aspects of production, licensing and distribution of antimicrobials for use in animals.
15949 但56个国家或表示没有用于动植物卫生的与抗微生物产品的质量、安全性有效性及其分销、销售或使用有关的国家政策或立法,或表示无法对是否具有这些政策作出报告。 But 56 either said that they had no national policy or legislation regarding the quality, safety and efficacy of antimicrobial products used in animal and plant health, and their distribution, sale or use, or that they were unable to report whether they have these policies in place.
15950 环境植物部门的行动和数据也十分欠缺。 There is also a substantial lack of action and data in the environment and plant sectors.