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15971 消除烟草非法贸易将使各国政府的年度税收意外增加310亿美元,改善公共卫生,帮助减少犯罪并切断烟草业的一个重要收入来源。 Eliminating the illicit trade in tobacco would generate an annual tax windfall of US$ 31 billion for governments, improve public health, help cut crime and curb an important revenue source for the tobacco industry.
15972 这是5月31日世界无烟日关键主题,届时世卫组织将敦促会员国签署《消除烟草制品非法贸易议定书》。 Those are the key themes of World No Tobacco Day on 31 May when WHO will urge Member States to sign the "Protocol to Eliminate the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products".
15973 议定书全世界提供了一个独特的法律工具,以便应对和最终消除一种组织严密的犯罪活动,”世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍博士说。 “The Protocol offers the world a unique legal instrument to counter and eventually eliminate a sophisticated criminal activity,” says Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.
15974 “如果得到充分实施,议定书将使政府的收入增加并允许提高卫生支出。” “Fully implemented, it will replenish government revenues and allow more spending on health.”
15975 迄今,8个国家批准了该议定书,还未达到使议定书成为国际法所需的40个国家的目标 So far, 8 countries have ratified the Protocol, short of the target of 40 needed for it to become international law.
15976 一旦达到目标,议定书关于保障供应链、加强国际合作及其它保障措施的规定将生效。 Once that happens, the Protocol’s provisions on securing the supply chain, enhanced international cooperation and other safeguards will come into force.
15977 议定书本身是一项国际条约,经过《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》缔约方的谈判达成,后者已被180个缔约方批准。 The Protocol is an international treaty in its own right negotiated by parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), which has been ratified by 180 Parties.
15978 根据第15条签署方必须致力于消除所有形式的烟草制品非法贸易 Article 15 commits signatories to eliminate all forms of illicit trade in tobacco products.
15979 该议定书要求有涉及烟草供应链的一系列措施,包括为进口、出口和生产烟草制品颁发许可证,建立跟踪和追溯系统,并对非法贸易责任者实行处罚性制裁。 The Protocol requires a wide range of measures relating to the tobacco supply chain, including the licensing of imports, exports and manufacture of tobacco products; the establishment of tracking and tracing systems and the imposition of penal sanctions on those responsible for illicit trade.
15980 议定书还将把非法生产跨界走私确定为刑事犯罪 It would also criminalise illicit production and cross border smuggling.