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15981 议定书面临来自烟草业的公开和隐蔽的抵制,”世卫组织框架公约秘书处领导人Vera da Costa e Silva博士说。 “The Protocol faces overt and covert resistance from the tobacco industry,” says Dr Vera da Costa e Silva, Head of the WHO FCTC Secretariat.
15982 生产商知道,一旦实施,就更难以勾引年轻人和穷人形成烟瘾。” Manufacturers know that once implemented, it will become much harder to hook young people and the poor into tobacco addiction.”
15983 非法烟草贸易以较低的价格提供商品,主要是通过走私、非法生产和制假来避免政府收税 The illicit tobacco trade offers products at lower prices, primarily by avoiding government taxes through smuggling, illegal manufacturing and counterfeiting.
15984 较廉价的烟草会鼓励更年轻的烟草使用者(他们的收入通常较低)并减少政府的收入,从而减少可用于社会经济发展的资源,特别是在严重依赖消费税的低收入国家中。 Cheaper tobacco encourages younger tobacco users (who generally have lower incomes) and cuts government revenues, reducing the resources available for socioeconomic development, especially in low-income countries that depend heavily on consumption taxes.
15985 这些资金本应该可以用于提供公共服务,包括卫生保健 This money might otherwise be spent on the provision of public services, including health care.
15986 公开声明支持对非法贸易采取行动的同时,烟草业的幕后行为有很大的不同。 While publicly stating its support for action against the illicit trade, the tobacco industry’s behind-the-scenes behaviour has been very different.
15987 法庭诉讼而公布的内部行业文件表明,烟草业积极促进了全球的非法贸易 Internal industry documents released as a result of court cases demonstrate that the tobacco industry has actively fostered the illicit trade globally.
15988 烟草业还努力阻止实施提税图片健康警示等烟草控制措施,辩解说这些措施会推动非法贸易。 It also works to block implementation of tobacco control measures, like tax increases and pictorial health warnings, by arguing they will fuel the illicit trade.
15989 公共卫生正在与一个冷酷的行业开展一场激战,”世卫组织预防非传染性疾病司司长Douglas Bettcher博士说。 Public health is engaged in a pitched battle against a ruthless industry,” says Dr Douglas Bettcher, Director of the WHO’s Department for the Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases.
15990 “在今年的世界无烟日,世卫组织及其伙伴表明,烟草业为了争取利润不择手段,包括从黑市获得利润以及通过引诱新的目标,包括少年儿童,扩大这种致命的贸易。” “On this World No Tobacco Day, WHO and its partners are showing the ends that the tobacco industry goes to in the search for profits, including on the black market, and by ensnaring new targets, including young children, to expand its deadly trade.”