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16011 热浪、风暴和洪水等日益频繁的极端天气事件造成数以千计的人死亡,数以百万计人的生活受到影响,与此同时,卫生保健系统和设施在人们最需要的时候承受了巨大压力。 Increasingly frequent extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, storms and floods, kill thousands and disrupt millions of lives, while threatening healthcare systems and facilities when they are needed most.
16012 天气和气候变化危及食品安全,并加剧了食物源水源病媒传播疾病(如疟疾等)。 Changes in weather and climate are threatening food security and driving up food-, water- and vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, while climate impacts are also negatively affecting mental health.
16013 世卫组织报告指出,“化石燃料正在残害我们。 The WHO report states: “The burning of fossil fuels is killing us.
16014 气候变化是人类健康面临的最大威胁。 Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity.
16015 所有人的健康都受到气候变化影响,但最脆弱和处境最不利人群受到的冲击尤其严重。” While no one is safe from the health impacts of climate change, they are disproportionately felt by the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.”
16016 全世界每分钟有13人死于空气污染 Meanwhile, air pollution, primarily the result of burning fossil fuels, which also drives climate change, causes 13 deaths per minute worldwide.
16017 报告认为,需要在能源交通自然食品系统金融等各领域采取重大行动,保护人民健康。 The report concludes that protecting people’s health requires transformational action in every sector, including on energy, transport, nature, food systems and finance.
16018 它明确指出,在增进公众健康方面,实施宏伟的气候行动有巨大的成本效益。 And it states clearly that the public health benefits from implementing ambitious climate actions far outweigh the costs.
16019 世卫组织环境、气候变化与健康司司长Maria Neira博士说:“毫无疑问,气候危机显然是我们面临的一种最紧迫的卫生紧急情况。 “It has never been clearer that the climate crisis is one of the most urgent health emergencies we all face,” said Dr Maria Neira, WHO Director of Environment, Climate Change and Health.
16020 如果将空气污染水平降至世卫组织确定的指标值,全球空气污染造成的死亡总人数将会减少80%,同时,助长气候变化的温室气体的排放量也将大幅减少。 “Bringing down air pollution to WHO guideline levels, for example, would reduce the total number of global deaths from air pollution by 80% while dramatically reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that fuel climate change.