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目前,叙利亚有520多个医疗机构提供精神健康和社会心理支持服务。 |
More than 520 health facilities in Syria are now providing mental health and psychosocial support services. |
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7. 支持叙利亚残疾人 |
7. |
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随着旷日持久的冲突,受伤和残疾人数持续增加。 |
As the conflict drags on, the number of people with injuries and disabilities continues to grow. |
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据报道,在叙利亚一些地区,残疾率上升到人口的30%,是全球平均水平的两倍。 |
In some parts of the country, rates of disability have reportedly risen to up to 30% of the population - double the global average. |
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世卫组织正在采购和分发用于生产假肢的物资,并努力恢复受到破坏的物理康复中心。 |
WHO is procuring and distributing supplies to produce artificial limbs, and is working to restore damaged physical rehabilitation centres. |
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世卫组织支持一管理叙利亚北部五个医疗设施的执行伙伴提供物理康复和社会心理援助。 |
WHO also supports a partner that manages 5 health facilities in north Syria that provide physical rehabilitation services. |
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8. 加强卫生协调和效率 |
8. |
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世卫组织引导叙利亚卫生部门,并与数百个国际和国家伙伴合作,协调人道主义卫生援助的交付。 |
WHO leads the humanitarian Health Cluster in Syria, coordinating hundreds of international and national partners to deliver health assistance. |
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这种引导作用有助于加强卫生部门的协调、效率和整体影响。 |
This leadership role helps increase the coordination, efficiency, and overall impact of the health sector. |
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埃博拉疫情恶化且支持滞后 世卫组织赴刚果民主共和国布滕博高访团的声明 |
Ebola situation worsening while support lags Statement from WHO High-Level Mission to Butembo, DRC |