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15611 2021年11月8日 | 新闻稿 8 November 2021 | News release
15612 在努力保护人们免受气候变化影响伤害的过程中,各国已开始优先考虑卫生问题,但最近接受世界卫生组织调查的国家中,只有约四分之一有能力全面实施其国家卫生和气候变化计划或战略。 Countries have begun to prioritize health in their efforts to protect people from the impact of climate change, but only about a quarter of those recently surveyed by the World Health Organization have been able to fully implement their national health and climate change plans or strategies.
15613 一些国家报告称,缺乏资金、COVID-19的影响以及人力资源能力不足是取得进展的主要障碍。 Countries report that a lack of funding; the impact of COVID-19; and insufficient human resource capacity are major barriers to progress.
15614 然而, 《 2021 年世卫组织卫生与气候变化全球调查报告》 发现 , 有超过四分之三的受调查国家已制定或目前正在制定国家卫生和气候变化计划或战略。 The 2021 WHO health and climate change global survey report finds, however, that over three quarters of surveyed countries have developed or are currently developing national health and climate change plans or strategies.
15615 目前,约85%的国家已在其卫生部指定负责卫生和气候变化问题的对口联络人员,在54%的国家中,卫生部均已建立卫生和气候变化利益攸关方机制(如工作队或委员会)。 Some 85% of countries now have a designated focal point responsible for health and climate change in their ministries of health, while in 54% of countries, the ministry of health has established a stakeholder mechanism (such as a task force or committee) on health and climate change.
15616 约三分之二的受调查国家已进行气候变化卫生脆弱性适应情况评估,或目前正在进行此项评估; About two-thirds of surveyed countries have conducted a climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessment or are currently undertaking one, while virtually all (94%) countries incorporate health considerations in their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement.
15617 世卫组织环境、气候变化与健康司司长Maria Neira博士表示:“世卫组织的一项新调查强调,许多国家在应对气候变化的健康影响方面尚未得到支持,对此毫无准备。 “The new WHO survey highlights how many countries are left unsupported and unprepared to deal with the health impacts of climate change.
15618 我们特此在缔约方会议第二十六届会议上敦促世界各国更好地支持有需要的国家,并确保我们共同努力,做好工作,保护人们免受我们今天所面临的人类健康的最大威胁伤害”。 We are here at COP 26 to urge the world to better support countries in need, and to ensure that together we do a better job of protecting people from the biggest threat to human health we face today,” said Dr Maria Neira, WHO Director of Environment, Climate Change and Health.
15619 各国若无法保护健康免受气候变化影响,各种最弱势群体,包括少数民族贫困社区、移民和流离失所者、老年人以及大量妇女和儿童,将受到最大程度的伤害。 Countries’ inability to protect health from climate change is most harmful for their most disadvantaged groups, including ethnic minorities, poor communities, migrants and displaced people, older people and many women and children.
15620 Neira博士称:“支持增强气候行动健康论据非常明确 “The health arguments for increased climate action are very clear.