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15621 例如,如果将目前的空气污染水平降至《世卫组织空气质量准则》规定的水平,空气污染造成的死亡中,将有近80%是可以避免的”。 For example, almost 80% of deaths caused by air pollution could be avoided if current air pollution levels were reduced to the WHO Air Quality guidelines,” said Dr Neira.
15622 世卫组织的一项调查发现,资金不足仍然是全面实施国家卫生和气候变化计划的最大障碍,70%的国家提到了这一点(高于2019年的56%)。 The WHO survey finds that insufficient finance continues to be the top stumbling block to fully implementing national health and climate change plans, cited by 70% of countries (up from 56% in 2019).
15623 人力资源限制是第二大障碍,同时,约三分之一的国家认为缺乏跨部门合作也是一项主要障碍。 Human resource constraints are the second biggest barrier, whilst about one third of countries identified a lack of intersectoral collaboration as a key barrier.
15624 约半数国家报告说,COVID-19这一突发事件分流了卫生人员和资源,减缓了应对气候变化方面的进展,并会继续威胁国家卫生主管部门针对与气候相关的健康压力和冲击开展规划和防范工作的能力。 About half of the countries report that the COVID-19 emergency has slowed progress on addressing climate change by diverting health personnel and resources, and continues to threaten national health authorities’ abilities to plan and prepare for climate-related health stresses and shocks.
15625 报告还指出,我们可能已错失确定并优化其他部门所开展适应和缓解工作的健康益处的良机,这些工作本可有助于以清洁、健康的方式从COVID-19中恢复过来:已建立的多部门机制中,只有不到一半提到了健康问题的结构和社会决定因素,如教育、公平、性别、城市规划、住房、能源和交通系统。 The report also notes a potential missed opportunity to identify and optimize the health benefits of adaptation and mitigation efforts in other sectors, which could have fed into a clean, healthy recovery from COVID-19: structural and social determinants of health, such as education, equity, gender, urban planning, housing, energy and transportation systems was represented in fewer than half of the established multisectoral mechanisms.
15626 系列的第一份报告发布于2019年。 The first report in this series was released in 2019.
15627 这是第二份报告,简要概述了各国政府在应对气候变化的健康风险方面取得的总体进展,意义重大。 This second report provides a valuable snapshot of the overall progress governments have made in addressing the health risks of climate change.
15628 世卫组织环境、气候变化与健康司技术官兼调查报告主要作者Tara Neville表示:“当前的挑战是要消除阻碍各国最终确定和实施计划的各项障碍”。 “ “The challenge now is to remove the barriers that are preventing countries from finalizing and implementing plans,” said Tara Neville, Technical Officer at the WHO Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health and lead author of the survey report.
15629 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)的 《 2021 年卫生与气候变化全球调查报告》 简要概述了各国政府在应对气候变化的健康风险方面取得的总体进展,意义重大。 The World Health Organization’s (WHO) 2021 health and climate change global survey report provides a valuable snapshot of the overall progress governments have made in addressing the health risks of climate change.
15630 关于卫生气候变化关键指标的调查结果旨在增强决策者权能,以便就政策和计划的实施做出知情决定; The findings on key health and climate change indicators aim to empower policy makers to: make informed decisions on the implementation of policies and plans; identify evidence gaps; and better understand the barriers to achieving adaptation and resilience priorities in the health sector while maximizing the health benefits of sector-wide climate mitigation efforts.