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15811 在逃亡或移民之前或期间,因卫生条件恶劣和使用受污染的水,他们受到各种感染(细菌、病毒和寄生虫感染)和罹患疫苗可预防疾病的风险加剧。 And living with poor sanitation and contaminated water before or during the migratory journey increase the risk for a variety of infections (bacterial, viral and parasitic) including for vaccine-preventable diseases.
15812 考虑到原籍地、过境地或目的地的恶劣环境可能会加剧难民和移民罹患传染病的风险,必须向难民和移民提供传染病(如结核病、艾滋病毒、肝炎)防治服务,此外,第一线医务人员必须了解该人群的健康风险 Because of this, it is necessary for them to receive protection against infectious diseases and for health care workers at the frontline to understand the health risks for this population.
15813 由于迁移可能会扰乱免疫接种计划,在罹患疫苗可预防疾病方面,难民移民儿童是高风险人群。 However, for instance TB prevalence in migrants and refugees is likely to reflect rates in the host country; and that most of those who are HIV positive acquire the infection after they have arrived in Europe.
15814 7. 与收容国人群相比,难民和寻求庇护者创伤后应激障碍问题看来较为普遍 7.
15815 由于漫长的寻求庇护程序和恶劣的社会经济环境(例如失业或孤独),难民普遍存在抑郁和焦虑问题。 Depression and anxiety are also commonly reported, linked to lengthy asylum-seeking processes and poor socioeconomic conditions, such as unemployment or isolation.
15816 8. 劳务移民是全球最大的移民人群 8.
15817 2015年,欧洲区域约有12%的工人是移民工。 Around 12% of all workers in the European region were migrants in 2015.
15818 就业条件工作场所健康危害以及获得社会保护和健康防护机会方面,情况相差很大。 Conditions of employment vary drastically as do the health hazards of jobs and access to social and health protection.
15819 与非移民工人相比,男性移民工人工伤较多。 Male migrants experience significantly more work-related injuries than non-migrant workers.
15820 9. 没有父母或监护人呵护的儿童特别容易受到伤害 9.