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句对齐列表 共 16269 个结果  
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15831 这1000天医院受到轰炸学校遭受破坏 1,000 days of bombed hospitals and damaged schools.
15832 1000天孩子们应招参战 1,000 days of children recruited to fight.
15833 1000天遭遇疾病和死亡......难以想象的人类痛苦 1,000 days of disease and death … of unimaginable human suffering.
15834 也门冲突制造了世界上最为严重的人道主义危机——这一危机席卷了整个国家。 “The conflict in Yemen has created the worst humanitarian crisis in the world – a crisis which has engulfed the entire country.
15835 也门约75%的人口需要人道主义援助,包括没有援助就无法生存的1130万儿童 Some 75 per cent of Yemen’s population are in need of humanitarian assistance, including 11.3 million children who cannot survive without it.
15836 至少60%的也门人目前没有粮食保障,1600万人没有安全饮用水和适当的卫生设施。 At least 60 per cent of Yemenis are now food insecure and 16 million people do not have access to safe water and proper sanitation.
15837 还有更多人缺乏基本卫生服务 Many more lack access to basic health services.
15838 也门可全面运行的医疗机构尚不及半数,医务人员已有数月拿不到工资。 Less than half of Yemen’s health facilities are fully functional and medical staff have gone months without being paid their salaries.
15839 可怕的冲突灾难死伤数字仅反映了我们所知道的情况。 “This horrific tally of the conflict’s devastation reflects only what we know.
15840 事实上局势可能更糟 In reality, the situation is likely to be worse.