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16021 世卫组织建议转而提供营养更丰富的、以植物为基础的饮食,这可以显著减少全球排放量,确保增强食品系统的韧性,这样,到2050年每年可避免多达510万例与饮食有关的死亡。” A shift to more nutritious, plant-based diets in line with WHO recommendations, as another example, could reduce global emissions significantly, ensure more resilient food systems, and avoid up to 5.1 million diet-related deaths a year by 2050.”
16022 实现《巴黎协定》的目标将能改善空气质量和饮食并促进身体活动,每年将能拯救数百万人的生命 Achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement would save millions of lives every year due to improvements in air quality, diet, and physical activity, among other benefits.
16023 但目前大多数气候决策工作没有考虑到这些健康益处及其经济价值 However, most climate decision-making processes currently do not account for these health co-benefits and their economic valuation.
16024 世卫组织围绕第二十六届联合国气候变化大会编写的气候变化与健康特别报告《气候行动的健康论据》向各国政府提出了10项建议,阐述政府如何可以在众多领域中采取行动应对气候变化,最大限度地改善健康,避免气候危机对健康最严重的影响。 WHO’s COP26 Special Report on Climate Change and Health, The Health Argument for Climate Action , provides 10 recommendations for governments on how to maximize the health benefits of tackling climate change in a variety of sectors, and avoid the worst health impacts of the climate crisis.
16025 这些建议是与全世界卫生专业人员、组织和利益攸关方广泛协商的结果,代表了全球卫生界关于各国政府为应对气候危机、恢复生物多样性和维护健康需要采取的重点行动的广泛共识。 The recommendations are the result of extensive consultations with health professionals, organizations and stakeholders worldwide, and represent a broad consensus statement from the global health community on the priority actions governments need to take to tackle the climate crisis, restore biodiversity, and protect health.
16026 气候与健康建议 Climate and Health Recommendations
16027 世卫组织为第二十六届缔约方会议编写的报告提出了十项建议,强调各国政府迫切需要并可利用众多机会在国际气候架构下和可持续发展议程中优先重视健康和公平。 The COP26 report includes ten recommendations that highlight the urgent need and numerous opportunities for governments to prioritize health and equity in the international climate regime and sustainable development agenda.
16028 致力有益健康复苏 Commit to a healthy recovery.
16029 致力于从COVID-19疫情中健康绿色公正复苏。 Commit to a healthy, green and just recovery from COVID-19.
16030 我们的健康不可谈判的 。 Our health is not negotiable.