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16081 会议还获悉,小岛屿发展中国家处于推出成本低、影响大的解决方案以减少非传染性疾病和精神卫生最常见危险因素的最前沿。 The meeting also heard that SIDS are at the forefront of rolling out low-cost, high-impact solutions to reduce the most common risk factors of NCDs and mental health.
16082 小岛屿发展中国家成功的预防和治疗干预措施的例子包括:征收卫生税 Examples of successful prevention and treatment interventions in SIDS countries include the use of health taxation; including health into climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts; campaigns on physical and mental health and wellbeing; expanding treatment coverage for NCD and mental health as a part of the national UHC effort; and maintaining NCD and mental health services during health emergencies.
16083 会议还为解决非传染性疾病的商业驱动因素提供了一个平台。 The meeting also provided a platform to address commercial drivers of NCDs.
16084 贸易协定政策对食品、卷烟和酒精的价格、供应和促销有影响,加速了从传统饮食和营养的过渡。 Trade agreements and policies, through their influences on price, availability and promotion of food products, cigarettes, and alcohol, have accelerated the transition away from traditional diets and nutrition.
16085 这一进程导致小岛屿发展中国家肥胖、粮食不安全和非传染性疾病水平高得惊人。 This process has contributed to the alarmingly high levels of obesity, food insecurity and NCDs in SIDS countries.
16086 几个小岛屿发展中国家非传染性疾病精神障碍患者分享了他们的经验。 People living with NCDs and mental health conditions in several SIDS countries shared their experiences.
16087 卫生保健专业人员民间社会代表、学术界和发展伙伴也参加了会议。 Healthcare professionals, civil society representatives, academics and development partners also joined the meeting.
16088 Bente Mikkelsen博士说:“实现全民健康覆盖和建设气候适应型社会对于解决非传染性疾病和精神卫生危险因素以及确保有关患者能够获得所需的治疗和支持至关重要。 “Achieving UHC and building climate-resilient societies will be critical in tackling the risk factors of NCDs and mental health, as well as ensuring people living with these conditions can access the treatment and support they need,” said Dr Bente Mikkelsen.
16089 在这次会议成果的基础上,即将于2023年6月举行的部长级会议将制定一项宏伟议程,以加快小岛屿发展中国家发展拯救生命的非传染性疾病和精神卫生服务结果的能力,并为促进非传染性疾病和精神卫生议程发挥全球领导作用。” “Based on the outcomes of this meeting, the forthcoming Ministerial Meeting in June 2023 will set out an ambitious agenda to accelerate the capacity of SIDS countries to deliver life-saving NCD and mental health outcomes and to provide the global leadership for the NCDs and mental health agenda.”
16090 该议程还将为2023年联合国大会全民健康覆盖问题高级别会议、将于2025年举行的联合国大会第四次非传染性疾病问题高级别会议以及未来关于精神卫生和气候变化的全球卫生峰会的筹备工作提供信息并做出贡献。 This agenda will also inform and contribute to preparations for the High-Level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on UHC in 2023, the Fourth High-Level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on NCDs to be held in 2025 and future global health summits on mental health and climate change.