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16091 世界卫生大会将重点关注结束COVID-19疫情并为下一次大流行做好准备 World Health Assembly to focus on ending COVID-19 pandemic and preparing for next one
16092 今年在全球所有人的健康与福祉都面临COVID-19威胁的背景下,第七十四届世界卫生大会将强调必须立即结束当前的大流行疫情并建设一个更健康、更安全和更公平的世界,为下一次大流行做好防范。 In a year when COVID-19 threatens the health and well-being of everyone on the planet, the seventy-fourth session of the World Health Assembly (WHA) will stress the urgency of ending the current pandemic and preventing the next one by building a healthier, safer and fairer world.
16093 卫生大会世卫组织的最高决策机构,将请世界各地会员国代表团出席,还将对准会员、观察员、联合国和其他与会政府间组织的代表以及非国家行为者开放。 The Health Assembly is WHO’s highest decision-making body and is attended by delegations from all around the world.
16094 今年的会议将于2021年5月24日至6月1日以虚拟方式举行。 It will also be open to Associate Members, Observers, invited representatives of the UN and other participating inter-governmental organizations, and non-State actors.
16095 过去一年里,全球COVID-19病例增加了40倍,达到1.62亿例,同时死亡人数增加了11倍,超过330万例。 Over the past year, cases of COVID-19 rose 40-fold to 162 million globally, while the number of deaths has increased 11 times, to more than 3.3 million.
16096 这场大流行疫情对所有国家都造成了沉重打击,但对那些已经脆弱的社区的影响最为严重,这些社区更容易感染这一疾病,但却难以获得高质量的卫生保健服务,而且还更可能因遏制大流行的措施而遭受不利后果(如收入损失)。 The pandemic has hit all countries hard, but its impact has been harshest on those communities which were already vulnerable, who are more exposed to the disease, less likely to have access to quality health care services and more likely to experience adverse consequences (such as loss of income) as a result of measures implemented to contain the pandemic.
16097 世卫组织总干事谭德塞博士说:“危机往往能激发人们和组织的最佳表现。 “A crisis often brings out the best in people and organisations,” said WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
16098 从世卫组织的战略防范和应对计划到其技术指导、团结试验、联合国供应链工作队、OpenWHO.org学习平台以及诸如获取COVID-19工具加速计划及其COVAX伙伴关系和团结应对基金等举措,世卫组织为各国提供了基于证据的有效工具以帮助预防感染、挽救生命和维持基本卫生服务。 “From the WHO Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to our technical guidance, the Solidarity Trial, the UN Supply Chain Task Force, the OpenWHO.org learning platform and initiatives like the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator, including its COVAX partnership, and the Solidarity Response Fund, WHO has given countries effective and evidence-informed tools to prevent infections, save lives and maintain essential health services.
16099 令我特别自豪的是,过去17个月中世卫组织工作人员在世界各地开展了令人难以置信的工作,帮助各国使用这些工具”。 I am especially proud of the incredible work that WHO staff have done all over the world in the past 17 months to support countries to put these tools to work.”
16100 但是大流行疫情远未结束,全球应对工作正处于关键阶段。 But the pandemic is far from over and the global response is at a critical phase.