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句对齐列表 共 16269 个结果  
序号 中文 英文 操作
16111 全球患者安全行动 Global action on patient safety
16112 世卫组织卫生、环境与气候变化全球战略 WHO global strategy on health, environment and climate change
16113 抗微生物药物耐药性 Antimicrobial resistance
16114 2030年免疫议程 Immunization Agenda 2030
16115 2030年可持续发展议程中的卫生问题 Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
16116 护理助产服务全球战略方向 Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery
16117 脊髓灰炎 Poliomyelitis
16118 世卫组织转型 WHO transformation
16119 大会将收到三份关于COVID-19应对工作的报告,即:突发卫生事件规划独立监督和咨询委员会的报告、大流行防范和应对独立小组的报告以及《国际卫生条例(2005)》在COVID-19应对期间的运作情况审查委员会的报告。 Three reports on COVID-19 response will be presented at the Assembly: the Health Emergencies Programme’s Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee (IOAC), the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response and the Review Committee on the Functioning of the International Health Regulations (2005) during the COVID-19 Response.
16120 大会将通过同声传译以世卫组织六种正式语言在网上直播。 The Assembly will be webcast live with interpretation in the WHO ’s six official languages.