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16101 然而,世界各地情况的巨大差异在继续阻碍进展,最紧迫的问题之一是疫苗供应不公平,这对结束大流行和全球复苏构成了威胁——75%以上的疫苗剂量仅用于10个国家; Stark contrasts still undermine progress, with vaccine inequity being one of the most urgent issues, posing a threat to ending the pandemic and to global recovery – over 75% of all vaccine doses have been administered in only 10 countries; the lowest income countries have administered less than half a percent of global doses.
16102 谭德塞博士补充说:“今年的世界卫生大会将在塑造未来全球卫生架构方面和在加强世卫组织能力以履行其使命和任务方面发挥重要作用”。 "This year's World Health Assembly will play a vital role in shaping the global health architecture of the future, and in strengthening WHO to fulfil its mission and mandate", added Dr Tedros.
16103 大会的议程将侧重于卫生相关可持续发展目标和世卫组织的“三个十亿”目标,即:全民健康覆盖受益人口新增10亿人; The Assembly’s agenda will focus on the health-related Sustainable Development Goals and WHO’s Triple Billion targets of one billion more people benefitting from universal health coverage; one billion more better protected from health emergencies; and one billion more enjoying better health and well-being.
16104 世界卫生大会期间还将提交 世卫组织结果报告 WHO’s results report, will also be presented during WHA.
16105 高级别会议将于5月24日(欧洲中部夏令时10:00-12:00)举行,出席者包括国家元首和政府首脑以及特邀嘉宾,世卫组织总干事将发表讲话。 A high-level segment will take place on 24 May (10:00 -12:00 CEST) with participation from Heads of State and Governments and special guests, as well as an address by the WHO Director-General.
16106 随后大会的两个委员会,即主要负责规划和预算事项的甲委员会和主要负责行政、财务和法律事项的乙委员会,将审议各个议程项目。 The Assembly’s two Committees - Committee A, which deals with predominantly programme and budget matters and Committee B, which deals mainly with administrative, financial and legal matters – will then consider the individual agenda items.
16107 其中主要包括 Highlights include:
16108 2022–2023年规划预算方案 Proposed programme budget 2022–2023
16109 世卫组织在突发卫生事件领域的工作,COVID-19应对,包括COVID-19大流行的精神卫生防范和应对 WHO’s work in Health Emergencies, the COVID-19 response, including mental health preparedness for and response to the COVID-19 pandemic
16110 《公共卫生、创新和知识产权全球战略和行动计划》 Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property