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16121 可通过 https://www. who.int/zh/about/governance/world-health-assembly/seventy-fourth-world-health-assembly 关注会议进程 Proceedings can be followed at: https://www.who.int/about/governance/world-health-assembly/seventy-fourth-world-health-assembly
16122 临时议程具有六种语言版本: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA74/A74_1-ch.pdf Provisional agenda in six languages: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA74/A74_1-en.pdf
16123 世界卫生大会媒体资格认证 Media accreditation for the World Health Assembly
16124 记者们注意,世界卫生大会将在网上直播 Journalists are reminded that the World Health Assembly is webcast live.
16125 鉴于COVID-19的情况,记者不得进入世卫组织的办公场所。 Given the COVID-19 situation, journalists are not allowed on WHO premises.
16126 将在 世卫组织网站 上发布最新信息,并将向清单中的全球媒体发送相关材料。 Updates will be posted on the WHO website: www.who.int and relevant materials will be sent to the global media list.
16127 注册用链接: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/d/18DFE0FD1CC9DA69 To register: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/d/18DFE0FD1CC9DA69
16128 关于世卫组织照片服务和媒体视频的信息,请联系Chris Black,手机:+41 79 472 6054,电子邮件: [email protected] 。 Information on the WHO Photo Service and videos for media can be obtained from Chris Black on mobile +41 79 472 6054 or email blackc@who.int.
16129 世卫组织将通过推特(Twitter)定期提供世界卫生大会的最新信息——请关注@WHO和标签#WHA74,也可访问@WHO和世卫组织的Facebook页面。 WHO will provide regular updates from the World Health Assembly via Twitter – follow @WHO and hashtag #WHA74.
16130 最新信息图像材料也将发布在世卫组织的集体社交媒体帐户上,包括: Instagram 、 LinkedIn 和 YouTube 。 Updates and visuals will also be posted on WHO’s corporate social media accounts: Instagram (https://goo.gl/Sa1EwW), LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/world-health-organization/) and YouTube (https://goo.gl/GszTPk).