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16131 第七十四届世界卫生大会的暂定/初步与会者名单可访问: https://apps.who.int/gb/c/c_wha74.html Provisional/preliminary list of Participants at the WHA74 will be issued on Sunday 23 May 2021 and can be found at: https://apps.who.int/gb/e/e_wha74.html.
16132 第七十四届世界卫生大会结束之后,将于2021年6月2日举行执行委员会第149届会议 Following the closure of the WHA74, the 149th session of the Executive Board will take place on 2 June 2021.
16133 执行委员会届会将通过同声传译以世卫组织六种正式语言在网上直播。 The Executive Board session will be webcast live with interpretation in the WHO ’s six official languages.
16134 可通过 https://www.who.int/zh/about/governance/executive-board/executive-board-149th-session 关注会议进程 Proceedings can be followed at: https://www.who.int/about/governance/executive-board/executive-board-149th-session
16135 获取COVID-19工具加速计划促进委员会的声明 Statement from the first ACT-Accelerator Facilitation Council meeting
16136 2020年9月10日 | 声明 10 September 2020 | Statement
16137 作为获取COVID-19工具加速计划促进委员会的成员和合作伙伴,值此委员会首次会议之际; As Members and Partners of the Facilitation Council of the ‘ Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator ’ (ACT- Accelerator), on the occasion of the Council’s launch meeting;
16138 我们赞同加速计划的愿景,即作为独特国际协作机制,在加强相关卫生系统的同时,在全球快速开发和公平部署COVID-19疫苗、治疗方法和诊断制剂; We share the vision of the ACT-Accelerator as a unique international collaboration to fast-track the development and equitable deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics globally while strengthening related health systems;
16139 我们感谢世界卫生组织和欧盟委员会发挥领导作用,在此关键时刻共同召开促进委员会第一次会议,因为COVID-19大流行继续对所有国家的卫生、社会和经济造成破坏性影响,而其后果对穷人和弱势群体的影响特别巨大; We thank the World Health Organization and the European Commission for their leadership in co- convening this first meeting of the Facilitation Council at this crucial time, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a devastating impact on the health, societies and economies of all countries, the consequences of which have disproportionately affected poor and vulnerable populations;
16140 我们欢迎南非挪威担任委员会联合主席; We welcome South Africa and Norway as the Council’s co-chairs;