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16141 我们认识到,最快、最有效的解决COVID-19危机并全面缓解其卫生、社会和经济后果的办法,是通过全球多边合作国际团结,支持所有国家和人口,包括全世界最贫困人口和面临风险的人群,如妇女和儿童; We recognize that the fastest and most effective solution to the COVID-19 crisis, and the full mitigation of its health, social and economic consequences, is through global multilateral collaboration and international solidarity that supports all countries and populations, including the world’s poorest and at-risk populations such as women and children;
16142 我们完全支持加速计划的目标,即在全球范围内迅速降低COVID-19重症的风险,推动加强卫生系统安全、有效地管理COVID-19的能力,并恢复全球经济和社会活动复苏所需的信心; We fully align with the ACT-Accelerator goal of rapidly reducing the risk of severe COVID-19 disease globally, which will in turn bolster the capacity of health systems to safely and effectively manage COVID- 19 and restore the global confidence needed to resume economic and societal activity;
16143 我们赞赏加速计划各支柱领域联合召集人及其伙伴发挥的领导作用、开展的工作和迄今取得的重大成就,同时认识到他们在充分发挥这一前所未有全球协作的潜力方面面临重大挑战; We appreciate the leadership and work of the ACT-Accelerator Pillar co-conveners and their partners for the substantial achievements to date, while recognizing the considerable challenges they face to realize the full potential of this unprecedented global collaboration;
16144 我们认为加速计划是执行世界卫生大会决议(WHA73.1(3))不可分割的一部分,且完全符合2020年3月26日二十国集团领导人的承诺,两者都强调需要端到端的解决方案,以加速开发和公平、普遍部署拯救生命的COVID-19疫苗、治疗方法和诊断制剂; We consider the ACT-Accelerator an integral part of the implementation of the World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA73.1(3)) and that it responds fully to the G20 Leaders’ Commitment of 26 March 2020, as both highlighted the need for end-to-end solutions to accelerate the development and equitable, universal deployment of life saving COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics;
16145 我们认识到,迫切需要在政治支持和资金筹措方面促成阶段性变化,以便使加速计划能够履行其使命,加快发现和向世界各地所有人部署新的COVID-19工具; We acknowledge the urgency of catalysing a step-change in political support and financing for the ACT- Accelerator in order to enable it to deliver on its mission of accelerating the discovery and deployment of new COVID-19 tools to all people, everywhere;
16146 因此我们 : Accordingly, we will:
16147 持续发挥政治领导作用,激励和利用国际社会对加速计划的广泛支持 ,包括在即将举行的重要论坛(如联合国大会、二十国集团和七国集团进程、巴黎和平论坛及国际货币基金组织/世界银行集团会议)上以及通过我们各自的区域合作小组和国家进程; Provide sustained political leadership to galvanize and harness broad international support for the ACT-Accelerator , including in key upcoming fora such as the UN General Assembly, the G20 and G7 processes, the Paris Peace Forum and IMF/World Bank Group meetings and through our respective regional cooperation groups and national processes;
16148 倡导支持对加速计划的投资,以便作为紧急事项获得扩大影响 和改变大流行进程 所需的财政资源 ; Advocate in support of the ACT-Accelerator Investment Case in order to secure as a matter of urgency the financial resources required to scale-up for impact and change the course of the pandemic;
16149 尊重和实现我们在这场危机中不落下任何人的共同承诺 ,努力确保所有国家和人群能够尽早且以负担得起的方式公平获得加速计划正在推进的新疫苗、治疗方法和诊断制剂。 Honour and realize our shared commitment to leave no one behind in this crisis , by working to ensure that all countries and populations have early, affordable and equitable access to the new vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics that the ACT-Accelerator is pursuing.
16150 阿曼在露天市场、餐馆和面包店与非传染性疾病作斗争 Oman beating NCDs at the souk, the restaurant and the bakery doors