We recognize that the fastest and most effective solution to the COVID-19 crisis, and the full mitigation of its health, social and economic consequences, is through global multilateral collaboration and international solidarity that supports all countries and populations, including the world’s poorest and at-risk populations such as women and children;
We fully align with the ACT-Accelerator goal of rapidly reducing the risk of severe COVID-19 disease globally, which will in turn bolster the capacity of health systems to safely and effectively manage COVID- 19 and restore the global confidence needed to resume economic and societal activity;
We appreciate the leadership and work of the ACT-Accelerator Pillarco-conveners and their partners for the substantial achievements to date, while recognizing the considerable challenges they face to realize the full potential of this unprecedented global collaboration;
We consider the ACT-Accelerator an integral part of the implementation of the World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA73.1(3)) and that it responds fully to the G20 Leaders’ Commitment of 26 March 2020, as both highlighted the need for end-to-end solutions to accelerate the development and equitable, universal deployment of life saving COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics;
We acknowledge the urgency of catalysing a step-change in political support and financing for the ACT- Accelerator in order to enable it to deliver on its mission of accelerating the discovery and deployment of new COVID-19 tools to all people, everywhere;
Provide sustained political leadership to galvanize and harness broad international support for the ACT-Accelerator , including in key upcoming fora such as the UN General Assembly, the G20 and G7 processes, the Paris Peace Forum and IMF/World Bank Group meetings and through our respective regional cooperation groups and national processes;
倡导支持对加速计划的投资,以便作为紧急事项获得扩大影响 和改变大流行进程 所需的财政资源 ;
Advocate in support of the ACT-Accelerator Investment Case in order to secure as a matter of urgency the financial resources required to scale-up for impact and change the course of the pandemic;
Honour and realize our shared commitment to leave no one behind in this crisis , by working to ensure that all countries and populations have early, affordable and equitable access to the new vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics that the ACT-Accelerator is pursuing.
Oman beating NCDs at the souk, the restaurant and the bakery doors