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16151 2017年8月22日 22 August 2017
16152 无烟露天市场低盐面包,阿曼苏丹国的企业和社区正在引领抗击心血管疾病、癌症糖尿病慢性呼吸道疾病等非传染性疾病的行动。 From smoke-free souks to low-salt bread, businesses and communities in the Sultanate of Oman are leading the charge against noncommunicable diseases, like heart and lung diseases, cancer, and diabetes.
16153 阿曼最早于1999年建立了以社区为基础的健康促进项目,在Nizwa健康生活方式项目的指引下,从国家消费者保护部门市政当局各种企业,社会多层次共同参与降低导致非传染性疾病的风险以改善健康状况。 Guided by the country’s Nizwa Healthy Lifestyle Project (NHLP), Oman’s oldest community-based health promotion project founded in 1999, many layers of society – from the national consumer protection authority and municipal authorities to various businesses – have joined forces to reduce risks that causes NCDs and, in turn, improve health.
16154 Nizwa市距离阿曼首都马斯喀特约175公里,是全国最古老的城市和最热门的旅游目的地之一。 Nizwa, located about 175 kilometres from Muscat, Oman’s capital, is one of the country’s oldest cities and most popular tourist destinations.
16155 阿曼卫生部非传染性疾病部门负责人和阿曼反烟草协会会员Zahir Al Anqoudi博士说:“一切进展顺利,我们将为传播这些倡议宗旨设定目标,并在阿曼各地树立更多的范例。” "All going well, we will set a goal to disseminate these initiatives and put in place more examples all over Oman," says Dr Zahir Al Anqoudi, head of the NCDs section at Oman’s Ministry of Health and a member of the Oman Anti-Tobacco Society.
16156 今年早些时候,Nizwa项目启动了两项新的创新健康促进活动:马斯喀特传统露天市场的“无烟露天市场”和健康餐厅倡议 Earlier this year, the Nizwa project launched two new innovative health promotion activities: the "Tobacco-free souk" in Muscat’s open-air traditional market, and the Healthy Restaurants Initiative.
16157 阿曼世卫组织为推动全球9项预防和控制非传染性疾病目标快速进展而选定的国家之一,目标包括到2025年将非传染性疾病导致的早亡减少25%,以及2030年可持续发展议程中与非传染病相关的目标。 Oman is one of several countries selected by WHO to receive integrated support to fast-track progress on achieving nine global targets to prevent and control NCDs, including reducing premature death from NCDs by 25% by 2025, and the NCD-related targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
16158 独特的成功秘诀 A unique recipe for success
16159 世卫组织的支持是阿曼在减少盐摄入、酒精销售和营销立法以及促进身体活动方面取得进展的关键。 WHO’s support has been key in Oman’s progress in reducing salt consumption, regulating alcohol sales and marketing and promoting physical activity.
16160 世卫组织还帮助制定了预防和控制非传染性疾病战略的5个优先事项,即控制烟草、健康饮食、身体活动、健康领土以及将非传染性疾病纳入初级卫生保健中。 The Organization also helped to lay foundations for the five strategic priorities for NCD prevention and control Oman is working towards: tobacco control, healthy diet, physical activity, healthy territories, and integration of NCDs into primary health care.