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291 “如果国际社会不能填补数目可观的资金缺口,世卫组织和合作伙伴就无法应对这些挑战”。 WHO and partners cannot tackle these challenges without the international community stepping in to fill the sizeable funding gap.”
292 目前要求获得的资金额仅有半数到位,这将使世卫组织和合作伙伴恰恰在最有需要的时候削减一些活动。 Only half of the currently requested funds have been received, which could lead to WHO and partners rolling back some activities precisely when they are most needed.
293 “正如我们为每个社区的特定环境所做的调整那样,我们将不断调整应对工作”,Moeti博士说。 “We will continue to adjust the response, as we have done for each context in each community,” said Dr Moeti.
294 “病例的上升令人担忧,这进一步要求我们行动起来 “This worrisome rise in cases is a further call to action.
295 最终,只有通过所有受影响社区自主决策才能终止疫情。 In the end, it is only through the ownership by all the affected communities that the outbreak will end.
296 有些方面希望埃博拉使我们四分五裂 Some would have Ebola drive us apart.
297 只有共同努力,我们才能战胜疫情”。 We can only defeat it if we all work together.”
298 烟草控制可以节省大量资金并拯救数以百万计的生命 Tobacco control can save billions of dollars and millions of lives
299 2017年1月10日 | 新闻稿 | 日内瓦 10 January 2017 | News release | GENEVA
300 根据世卫组织和美国国家癌症研究所联袂发表的一份极为重要的新的全球报告,实行烟草税收价格上涨控烟政策可为政府带来大量收入,进而为卫生和发展工作提供资金。 Policies to control tobacco use, including tobacco tax and price increases, can generate significant government revenues for health and development work, according to a new landmark global report from WHO and the National Cancer Institute of the United States of America.