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句对齐列表 共 16269 个结果  
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321 禁止烟草业营销活动; In 2013-2014, global tobacco excise taxes generated nearly US$ 269 billion in government revenues.
322 加贴明显的图形健康警示标签; Of this, less than US$ 1 billion was invested in tobacco control.
323 控制烟草制品非法贸易是减少烟草使用以及减轻对健康和经济后果的关键供方政策 Control of illicit trade in tobacco products is the key supply-side policy to reduce tobacco use and its health and economic consequences.
324 在许多国家,高度腐败、对非法贸易处理不力以及低效的海关和税务管理,在助长逃税方面所起的作用与产品税收和定价的作用相同甚至更大。 In many countries, high levels of corruption, lack of commitment to addressing illicit trade, and ineffective customs and tax administration, have an equal or greater role in driving tax evasion than do product tax and pricing.
325 《世卫组织烟草控制框架公约》下订立的《消除烟草制品非法贸易议定书》规定应采用国际跟踪和追踪系统等工具,确保烟草供应链。 The WHO FCTC Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products applies tools, like an international tracking and tracing system, to secure the tobacco supply chain.
326 许多国家的经验表明,即使烟草税收和价格上涨,也可成功处理非法贸易问题,增加税收和减少烟草使用 Experience from many countries shows illicit trade can be successfully addressed, even when tobacco taxes and prices are raised, resulting in increased tax revenues and reduced tobacco use.
327 烟草控制并不影响经济:在大多数国家中,主要由于技术创新和国有制造业的私有化,依赖烟草业的就业人数持续减少。 Tobacco control does not harm economies: The number of jobs dependent on tobacco has been falling in most countries, largely due to technological innovation and privatization of once state-owned manufacturing.
328 因此,烟草控制措施仅对相关就业产生轻微影响,在绝大多数国家不会造成净失业 Tobacco control measures will, therefore, have a modest impact on related employment, and not cause net job losses in the vast majority of countries.
329 其它作物替代烟草规划为种植者提供了替代种植机会 Programmes substituting tobacco for other crops offer growers alternative farming options.
330 烟草控制减轻了烟草使用对穷人造成的极为严重的健康和经济负担。 Tobacco control reduces the disproportionate health and economic burden that tobacco use imposes on the poor.