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311 该专著引用了2016年的一项研究结果,指出若所有国家将每包卷烟消费税提高约0.8美元,全球每年卷烟消费税收入就可增加47%,即1400亿美元。 The monograph, citing a 2016 study, states that annual excise revenues from cigarettes globally could increase by 47%, or US$ 140 billion, if all countries raised excise taxes by about US$ 0.80 per pack.
312 此外,采取这一增税措施后,卷烟零售价格平均将上升42%,吸烟率下降9%,成年吸烟人数减少6600万人。 Additionally, this tax increase would raise cigarette retail prices on average by 42%, leading to a 9% decline in smoking rates and up to 66 million fewer adult smokers.
313 美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校经济系著名教授Frank Chaloupka是这本专著的联合主编,他说,“专著所列的研究结果证实,无论从经济角度,还是从公共卫生角度,循证控烟措施都是合理做法。” "The research summarized in this monograph confirms that evidence-based tobacco control interventions make sense from an economic as well as a public health standpoint," says the monograph's co-editor, Distinguished Professor Frank Chaloupka, of the Department of Economics at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
314 专著的主要结论有: The monograph’s major conclusions include:
315 烟草使用造成极为沉重的全球健康和经济负担,并且这一负担越来越多地落在低收入和中等收入国家身上。 The global health and economic burden of tobacco use is enormous and is increasingly borne by low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
316 全球80%吸烟者生活在低收入和中等收入国家。 Around 80% of the world’s smokers live in LMICs.
317 已有多项有效的政策和规划干预措施,能够减少对烟草制品的需求以及烟草制品使用造成的死亡、疾病和经济代价,但这些干预措施未获充分利用。 Effective policy and programmatic interventions exist to reduce demand for tobacco products and the death, disease, and economic costs resulting from their use, but these interventions are underused.
318 《世卫组织烟草控制框架公约》为政府减少烟草使用行动提供了一个循证框架。 The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) provides an evidence-based framework for government action to reduce tobacco use.
319 旨在减少烟草制品需求的政策和规划具有很高成本效益。 Demand reduction policies and programmes for tobacco products are highly cost-effective.
320 这类干预措施包括:大幅提高烟草税和烟草价格; Such interventions include significant tobacco tax and price increases; bans on tobacco industry marketing activities; prominent pictorial health warning labels; smoke-free policies and population-wide tobacco cessation programmes to help people stop smoking.