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341 非传染性疾病每年导致大约1600万人过早死亡(即在70岁生日之前死亡)。 NCDs account for the deaths of around 16 million people prematurely (before their 70th birthdays) every year.
342 减少烟草使用可以发挥重要作用,推动全球到2030年实现将非传染性疾病过早死亡减少三分之一的可持续发展目标 Reducing tobacco use plays a major role in global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of reducing premature deaths from NCDs by one-third by 2030.
343 系统薄弱资金缺口问题影响世界上最贫穷国家的饮水和环卫设施 Weak systems and funding gaps jeopardize drinking-water and sanitation in the world’s poorest countries
344 2019年8月28日 | 新闻稿 | 斯德哥尔摩 28 August 2019 | News release
345 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)和联合国水机制今天发出警示,呼吁为建立强有力的饮水和环卫系统紧急加大投资力度。 28 August 2019 | STOCKHOLM – The World Health Organization (WHO) and UN-Water today sounded the alarm for an urgent increase in investment in strong drinking-water and sanitation systems.
346 2019年8月25日至30日世界水周期间国际水务界在斯德哥尔摩召开年会并在会上发出了这一呼吁。 The call came as the international water sector meets in Stockholm for its annual conference during World Water Week (25-30 August 2019).
347 世卫组织代表联合国水机制发布了一份新报告,报告指出,薄弱的政府系统以及缺乏人力资源和资金问题危及世界上最贫穷国家供水和环卫服务,并影响在确保人人健康方面的努力。 It is triggered by a new report published by WHO on behalf of UN-Water that reveals that weak government systems and a lack of human resources and funds are jeopardizing the delivery of water and sanitation services in the world’s poorest countries – and undermining efforts to ensure health for all.
348 世卫组织总干事谭德塞博士说,“太多人因缺乏可靠和安全的饮水、厕所和洗手设施而面临致命感染的风险,这阻碍了公共卫生领域的进展。 “Too many people lack access to reliable and safe drinking-water, toilets and hand-washing facilities, putting them at risk of deadly infections and threatening progress in public health,” says Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.
349 环卫系统不仅能改善健康和拯救生命,而且是建设更稳定、更安全和更繁荣社会的重要因素。 Water and sanitation systems don’t just improve health and save lives, they are a critical part of building more stable, secure and prosperous societies.
350 我们呼吁所有缺乏基本水和环卫设施的国家为建设和维护这些设施提供资金和人力”。 We call on all countries that lack essential water and sanitation infrastructure to allocate funds and human resources to build and maintain it.”